Consult inventory

The Historical Archive of the Cartiere Miliani Fabriano, the first "business archive" in Italy to be declared of "considerable historical interest" (1964), is annexed to the library which has approximately 3,000 volumes divided into two sections: "Cartiere Miliani Fabriano" and “Fondazione Fedrigoni Fabriano”.

The library, equipped with a paper and digital inventory, mainly has volumes on the history of paper, paper sciences and techniques, magazines related to the paper industry, local history, art and fiction books.

Below are the links to consult the Library of Miliani Fabriano Paper Mills Archive:

The Library of the Historical Archive of the Miliani Fabriano Paper Mills can now be consulted online in the Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (SBN) through OPAC, an acronym for Online Public Access Catalogue, the electronic catalog of several libraries, freely consultable via the web which collects bibliographic information on documentary resources ( books, magazines, etc.) owned, indicating their location or online access, but also within Biblio Marche Nord, the unified catalog of the provinces of Ancona and Pesaro-Urbino.


The "Cartiere Miliani Fabriano"section is made up of volumes coming from the ‘Dopolavoro delle Cartiere’ and, in part, from the private library of senator Giovanni Battista Miliani (1856-1937). The “Fondazione Fedrigoni Fabriano” section, however, is made up of volumes acquired after the date of establishment of the Fedrigoni Fabriano Foundation (8 March 2011). The library in particular includes texts and periodicals on the history of Fabriano, on the history of paper manufacturing and watermark, degree theses, Italian and foreign magazines, yearbooks, guides, statistics, censuses and industrial and commercial businesses, volumes on countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, prints of works of art on Miliani paper.

On 17 October 2022, the Fedrigoni Fabriano Foundation, which takes care of the heritage inherited from the historical Fabriano paper mills, sent the request to join the Sistema Bibliotecario Marche to the Dipartimento Sviluppo Economico Settore Beni e attività culturali della Regione Marche, which was subsequently accepted by the Director Daniela Tisi. In fact, joining the regional system also involves the inclusion of the library in the Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (SBN). All information relating to the library sent during the membership request phase was sent to the SBN Memberships office of the dell’Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico delle biblioteche italiane e quelle bibliografiche (ICCU) which allowed the structure to be included in the Anagrafe delle biblioteche italiane, with the consequent assignment by the ICCU of the ISIL (International Standard Identifier for Libraries and related organizations) code

To date (09/07/2024) they are uploaded into OPAC SBN n. 2,944 documents.

* The digital transaction activity of the Library annexed to the Miliani Fabriano Paper Mill Historical Archive within the Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (SBN) was carried out thanks to the contribution granted by the Marche Region as part of the L.R. n. 4/2010 – DGR n. 495/2022 – Sistema Bibliotecario Regionale. Bando per il sostegno a progetti di rilievo regionale per la promozione della lettura e per lavalorizzazione delle Biblioteche del territorio marchigiano


The Fedrigoni Fabriano Foundation, in compliance with the limitations imposed by copyright law, has started the digitization of some volumes preserved in the Library attached to the Miliani Fabriano Paper Mill Archive, available as a preview online in the "Digital volumes" section and within Biblio Marche Nord, waiting to be consulted in the Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.