Digital volumes

The Fedrigoni Fabriano Foundation, in compliance with the limitations imposed by copyright law, has started the digitization of some volumes preserved in the Library attached to the Miliani Fabriano Paper Mill Archive. The Foundation, thanks also to the contribution granted by the Marche Region as part of the L.R. n. 4/2010 – DGR n. 495/2022 – Sistema Bibliotecario Regionale. Bando per il sostegno a progetti di rilievo regionale per la promozione della lettura e per la valorizzazione delle Biblioteche del territorio marchigiano, has purchased professional equipment suitable for converting the volumes selected from time to time into digital.

The digitization project, which has currently seen the digitization of the publications belonging to the "Collana di Storia della carta" and "L'Era del Segno" published by the Pia Università dei Cartai and the Cartiere Miliani Fabriano, guarantees greater use of the volumes outside trade and tries to limit as much as possible the handling of large size volumes or those in precarious conservation conditions in order to safeguard them from the risk of rapid deterioration.

An extract (cover, introduction, index, etc.) of the volumes digitized so far is available online, made available to users free of charge. The user interested in receiving the entire volume can request it by writing to