Storia, scienza e arte della carta

Founder/Benefactor Member

Fedrigoni SpA


Benefactor Members

  Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fabriano e Cupramontana


Ordinary Members

Alaimo Angelelli  Enzo Filippetto  Aldo Pesetti 
Marcello Angeloni  Martina Gasparrini  Leonardo Pili 
Sergio Anzani   Mattia Genovese  Maria Rosella Quagliarini 
Associazione Nazionale Archivistica Italiana (ANAI) - Sezione Veneto Patrizia Gilli  Brian Queen 
Paolo Azzolini   Germano Gitto Vincenzo Rossi 
Mirella Battistoni  Antonio Iacca  Luca Sacco 
Marisa Belloni  Jessica Luzi  Gabriele Santarelli
Rolando Boco  Stefano Manlio Mancini  Paolo Santonicola 
Giampaolo Boldrini  Anna Massinissa  Peppino Sorci 
Luciano Brazzale  Fabrizio Mei  Alessia Strozzi  
David Caprari  Vincenzo Oliveri  Mirko Terzoni 
Gloria Conti  Maurizio Opisso  Emanuel Wenger 
Roberto D'Amico  Franco Oppietti   
Marian Dirda  Leonardo Partenzi 


Honorary Members

Claudio ALFONSI (1939 - 2021)

Born in Pergola (PU) May 29, 1939, a paper and chemical expert. Between the years 1960 and 1971 he worked at several important paper companies in Italy, in which, covering various roles, he was able to delve into different aspects of the production of paper and cellulose. From 1972 to 1980 he worked with the group, Ahlstrom a Mathi Canavese, with increasing responsibility eventually becoming the Director of Production in 1978. In 1980 he joined the Fedrigoni group as a Director at Varone, Riva del Garda. Subsequently, he held other important positions in various companies of the group, contributing to their development. He has also been the CEO of the group since 2007. In March, 2014 Università degli Studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo" awarded him the degree Honoris Causa in economics and business administration.


Terenzio BALDONI

He teaches humanities at the Liceo Classico "F. Stelluti" in Fabriano. He graduated with a thesis on "Industria della carta e movimento operaio a Fabriano dall’unità all’età giolittiana”. He worked with the newspaper "Il Progresso" from 1979 to 2009 and is still a publicist there. From 1985 to 1992 he was President of the cooperative responsible for the service management reception in the Museo della Carta e della Filigrana (Museum of Paper and Watermarks), with the authority to record the meetings of the Technical Committee of Historical Science. He was the municipal councillor from 1995 to 1997. He is the author of several books and essays on the city's history in the 20th century, including: : “Artigiani a Fabriano nel ‘900”, “La Resistenza nel Fabrianese”, “Fabriano ricorda”, “Pugni fabrianesi”.  He participated in the drafting of the "Biographical Dictionary of the Trade Union Movement in Marche Region, 1900-1970" published in 2006, by CGIL Marche. He is a member of the Regional Institute of History and Movement Liberation in Marche Region and of the Gramsci Institute Marche Region. In 2012 he published “Mestieri in bicicletta”.  He is the author of one of the essays that make part of the volume on the conditions of women in the Miliani paper mills in Fabriano from the second half of the 1800's to the 20th century. Since December 2013 he has been the Corresponding Member of the Deputation of National History for Le Marche . He rescued the circulation of the entire Fabriano archive section of the PCI and PCI- PDS, within which there were about 650 posters ranging from 1955 to 1997 and more than 200 original photos of the fascist period in Fabriano.


Fabio Massimo BERTOLO

Laureato in Filologia italiana alla Sapienza di Roma nel 1991 - con una tesi sulla princeps del Libro del Cortegiano di Baldassarre Castiglione (Venezia, Aldo, 1528) - ha poi conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca in Italianistica nel 1995, sempre presso La Sapienza, con una tesi sulla produzione incunabolistica in volgare. Nel 1992-’93 ha trascorso un anno come Visiting Scholar a Cambridge, dove ha seguito corsi di Textual Bibliography, English Paleography etc. Vincitore di una borsa di studio presso il Centro Studi Natalino Sapegno nel 1995, dal 1996 al 2006 ha insegnato Filologia Italiana presso l’Università degli Studi di Cassino. E’ stato quindi docente a contratto presso l’Università di Siena – sede di Arezzo - e presso l’Università di Urbino, dove ha tenuto corsi specialistici di storia della stampa, dell’editoria e dei periodici. Studioso di letteratura rinascimentale, ha pubblicato articoli e volumi su Castiglione, Aretino, Landino etc. Di recente è uscito per i tipi di Viella un volume su Pietro Bembo e le Prose della volgar lingua, dal titolo Bembo ritrovato (curato assieme a Carlo Pulsoni e Marco Cursi - Viella, Roma, 2018). E’ autore di un fortunato manuale universitario edito da Carocci dal titolo Breve storia della scrittura e del libro, la cui prima edizione risale al 2004, ora giunto alla 18ima edizione (volume curato insieme a Cherubini, Inglese e Miglio). Dal 1996 al 2006 è stato responsabile del dipartimento Libri, Autografi e Stampe della casa d’aste Christie’s (sede italiana); dal 2006 al 2012 è stato Direttore della Bloomsbury Auctions Italia; dal 2012 ad oggi è AD di Minerva Auctions, passata nel 2017 sotto il controllo di Finarte Spa. Attualmente è CEO del Gruppo Finarte, con sede a Milano e Roma, oltre che responsabile del relativo dipartimento di Libri e Autografi.



Mr Bettoni is a historian of Economics, he has also been a researcher in Economics history in the Dipartimento di Scienze storiche (Department of Historical Sciences) at the University of Perugia. Mr Bettoni has also covered the role of Professor in the faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Perugia lecturing in Economic history and History of Economic systems. He is also co-founder of the Istituto di storia dell’Umbria contemporanea (Institute of modern Umbrian history) and member of the Deputazione di storia patria dell’Umbria (Deputation of the Umbrian region history). Mr Bettoni is also a member of the Italian association for the archaeological industrial cultural heritage.  He is a member of various cultural and academic associations, also a member of the scientific board for the “Proposte e Ricerche” magazine.



Peter Bower is a Forensic Paper Historian and Paper Analyst, specialising in the examination and analysis of papers for purposes of dating, attribution, authentication and usage. He came to the analysis of paper from papermaking. In the late 1970s he began to collect paper and to analyse the particular properties of individual papers, in order to make better paper himself. One of the founders of the British Association of Paper Historians in 1989, he has been editor of the Association’s Journal since its beginning. Consulted by Museums, Galleries, Auction Houses, Dealers, Police Forces, Lawyers, Papermakers and private individuals in the UK and around the world. This work involves the scientific and historical analysis of the papers used for a wide variety of uses. Bower was awarded a Volkswagen Turner Scholarship in 1988, later followed by a Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship, at the Tate Gallery, to undertake a groundbreaking major historical and technical analysis of the use of paper by J M W Turner (1775-1851) for the Tate Gallery. This project resulted in the publication of two books and two exhibitions at Tate Britain, London. Author of over 1500 reports and consultation documents for various clients on the papers used in individual documents, works of art, banknotes, music manuscripts, bonds, books and printed material. Author of over 200 articles, essays and conference papers, for a range of publications and organisations across the world. Some of his writings have been translated into French, German, Dutch and Welsh. on April 2018 riceived the "Paper Industry Gold Metal 2018".


Mons. Francesco giovanni BRUGNARO

Italian Catholic Archbishop. Graduated in philosophy from the University of Padua in 1966. After a brief academic career, in 1980 he entered the seminary of Venegono Inferiore of the Archdiocese of Milan, also attending the Pontifical Gregorian University where he obtained a bachelor's degree in the history of modern philosophy and a doctorate in fundamental theology. On December 18, 1982, he was ordained a priest by Archbishop Carlo Maria Martini. Subsequently, he held university pastoral positions in the Archdiocese of Milan both as a spiritual assistant at the university chapel of the University of Milan and as a university lecturer at ISSR in Milan. Having completed his mandate and benefiting from an ideal academic openness, he was called to the Congregation for the Oriental Churches in Rome to perform a delicate role of international mediation, a position he held until his episcopal appointment. On September 3, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Archbishop of Camerino-San Severino Marche. During the earthquake that struck central Italy in 2016, he arranged for the relocation and safeguarding of thousands of works and collected and preserved over one hundred and twenty archives, thanks also to benefactors from Milan and Veneto. On July 27, 2018, Pope Francis accepted his resignation from the pastoral governance of the archdiocese, presented due to reaching the age limit.



Associate Professor of modern history since 1989 at the Facolta' di Lettere dell'Universita' di Genova. A researcher at the centre for study of the history of pre-industrial manufacturing, technical memoirs and practices. In1986, at the end of a series of studies devoted to this subject, he published the Manifattura Genovese della Carta (sec. XVI-XVIII) (Ecig 1986). Contributor to the journal "Quaderni Storici", he participated in the years from1998 to 2001 in the international adventure led by Philippe Braunstein, "La Siderurgie Alpine en Italie" in to which he collaborated in conferences and publications.



In February 1971 she graduated with honours in economics from the Faculty of Economics and Commerce of Urbino (Ancona) and was admitted to the school of Management, I.S.T.A.O., Ancona. In September 1983 she entered the order of Certified Public Accountants of Pesaro and Urbino and took on the profession of Certified Public Accountant in Pesaro. From 1988-1995 she was a member of  the Committee on the Consultancy for three consecutive terms and set up at the National Council of Chartered Accountants. She is The Statutory Auditor and since January 2013 she has been a member of the Council of the Order of Certified Public Accountants of Pesaro and Urbino. She has been a lecturer of Business Review at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Urbino for about thirty years and has also been Chairman of the Fondazione Isabella Marchini for almost two years.


Alfranco CAPPONI (1928 - 2019)

Class 1928. In 1944 he obtained Camerino middle school license. He was subsequently hired at "Miliani" Paper Mill of Pioraco, where he worked, until retirement, as a labourer and then employee. In 1980 he received from Macerata Chamber of Commerce a gold medal for his loyalty to his work, and in 1994 received the Cavaliere al Merito della Repubblica. In 1981 and 1991  he wrote books about Pioraco, the history of his country and of the centuries-old paper industry. He edited the book for "I Giorni del Terramoto" and worked on a movie about Pioraco, produced by TV Centro Marche on behalf of the municipal administration. A publicist, he worked for more than 30 years as a correspondent with the weekly "L'Appennino Camerte".


Dennis Luigi CENSI

He holds a degree in physics from the University of Pisa. Since June 2021, he has been the president of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fabriano e Cupramontana. He is a member of the ACRI Council and coordinator of the Consulta delle Fondazioni marchigiane di origine bancaria. He has been a teacher of Physics and Mathematics at the Liceo Scientifico in Sassoferrato and school director of the Liceo Classico "Stelluti" in Fabriano and the Liceo Scientifico "Volterra" in Fabriano. Since December 2020 he has been the president of the Association for the Teaching of Physics. Since 2012, he has been the coordinator of the Physics Olympiad Project, an annual national and international event for high school students to engage in problem solving in theoretical and experimental physics.



A graduate in Humanities at the Universita' di Perugia in 1898 he enabled the teaching of literary subjects in secondary schools in 1991, he studied at the Institut Fuer Europaeische Geschichte in Magonza (Rft) with a scholarship from the Ministrio degli Esteri/Daad from1991 to1992 and then at the Institute Universitario Europeo di Fiesole, where, in 1995, he obtained a doctorate in history. Holding a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of historical sciences of the Universita' di Perugia from 1997 to 1998, he collaborated with the Istituto per la Storia dell'Umbria simultaneously and from 1996 also with the Istituto per la Cultura a la Storia d'Imprese "F. Mogliano" (Icsim) in Terni, whose scientific committee, he was  a member of from 2004-2007. He completed studies in France (EHESS), Switzerland and Germany. He collaborated with the magazine "Archivi e Imprese" (Axes Foundation, Milan) between 1996 and 2000, and since 1999 has been a member of the scientific council of the magazine "Proposte e Ricerche", of which he was a director in 2011. He also collaborated with the "Master in Conservazione", in management and enhancement of the industrial heritage of the University of Padua (Department of history). He is a member of the Italian Society of Historians of the Economy (Sise), the Institute of Economic and Social Sciences at the Università Politecnica delle Marche and in 2011, was associate professor at the same faculty. In the 1999/2000 academic year he was the associate professor of economic history and in the 2002/2003 academic year, also associate professor of the history of finance and banking as part of the Cdl program in economics and finance. His main areas of research include the history of the food industry, industrial archaeology, the history of banks between the 19th and 20th centuries, and Italian economic development during the same period.



Born in Serra San Quirico (AN) on February 22, 1931, he graduated as a Chemical-Paper Technician in 1951. He attended various technical, management, programming and planning, accounting, and business development strategy courses. In 1954, he was hired as a technical manufacturing assistant by Cartiera Italiana; from 1956 to 1961, he worked at Cartiera Burgo, and from 1961 to 1966 at Cartiera Ventura, where he was appointed Industrial Director in 1965. In the years 1967-1968, he served as General Manager of the Subiaco Paper Mill. In 1969, he began his career at Cartiera Fedrigoni as General Manager of the Verona plant, a role he held for 15 years. In 1984, he was appointed General Manager of Research and Development and Strategic Planning for the Fedrigoni Paper Mills Group. After 1990, he held numerous positions for various industrial entities, always at the board level.



Confirmed researcher at the Department of Social Sciences of the Università Politecnica delle Marche of Ancona, where he teaches economic history and contemporary economic history. He collaborates with the San Marino Historical Studies Centre and the Deputy of the History of the Heritage of Umbria. He is the co-director of the journal "Patrimonio Industriale" edited by the AIPAI (Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Archeologico Industriale) and member of the directive committee of "Ricerche Storiche" and of the scientific committee of "Proposte e Ricerche". He also works with industrial protocol, crafts and markets in the modern age, with particular interest in the field of paper and paper cloth, (on these issues an essay is being published in Mélanges de l'Ecole Française de Rome); class leaders, notables and welfare systems between the Papal state and unitary state, to development urban and country towns in the contemporary age.



Professor of economic history at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy at the Università degli Studi di Perugia, he deals with topics related to the history of the industry and economy of the working class and the workers' movement, the territory, and institutions of the dominant classes and issues relating to industrial heritage. As regards the history of  industry, his works include metallurgy, chemistry and food, and also the "minorities" (paper, pottery, bricks, tobacco). He is a consultant of the  Regione of Umbria, in the classification of industrial heritage. Past President of the National President of the Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Archeologico Industriale (Aipai).


Józef DABROWSKI (1940 - 2019)

Born in 1940 in Warsaw, Poland. Graduated from Lodz Technical University in 1962, gaining a Master’s degree in Pulp & Paper Technology followed by a Ph.D. in 1974. Subsequently, Dr DÄ…browski worked as a scientific papermaker, specialising in research work and industrial trials. He was also active in the field of international paper history and since 1992 was a corresponding member of the IPH, and was its president from 2004 to 2008. His publications on paper history include: ‘Hand papermaking in Poland’ (1991); ‘Permanence of European hand-made papers’ (1997-2004); ‘The invention of true paper by Cai Lun’ (2006); ‘The genuinely European technique of making paper by hand developed in Fabriano’ (2007), and ‘Hand papermaking in Central and Eastern Europe’ (2008). 



Graduated in Economics and Commerce from the University of Naples Federico II, and since 1981, Full Professor of Economic History. She has been the Director of the Institute of Economic History and Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Commerce at the University of Salerno. Since 1985, she has been a Full Professor of Economic History at the University of Naples Federico II. Her publications focus on topics of Italian economic history in the contemporary age, with particular reference to the Fascist period and the early years of post-war reconstruction, as well as aspects of the economy and society of the pre-unification Mezzogiorno. She has collaborated with several journals and is currently a member of the scientific committee of "Nuova Economia e Storia". She served as Scientific Advisor of ISTOCARTA until 2016.



For years she was an English permanent state teacher at the commercial school first, later by the agricultural school in Fabriano and gave lectures on Anglo-American Literature by the Università degli Adulti in her home town. After her studies of English Language and Literature at the Istituto Universitario Orientale of Naples, she had gone on studying English in depth in scientific fields through an individual research and attending qualifying courses in Great Britain, so that she was able to traslate medical, scientific essays and give medical lectures in English at obstetric courses by the University of Camerino as well. Keen on the Marche environment she took part, as a teacher, to a special course organized by the Regione Marche to train selected graduate people to know and manage the regional wildlife santuaries. Lately she translated historical scientific essays and books from and into English dealing with paper industry.


Richard Leslie HILLS (1936 - 2019)

Educated at Charterhouse School, Godalming, he graduates at Queens’ College, Cambridge, in 1960 he also trained there for teaching, getting a certificate in 1962. At the Imperial College, London, he worked as a researcher in the ‘History of Fen Drainage’, receiving a certificate in 1965. Later he was at the University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology, as research assistant on textile history, gaining Ph.D. in 1968. Then he was the Founding Curator of the Manchester Museum of Science and Technology until 1985. He has written several books on the history of technology, as the volume published in 1988 Paper Making in Britain, 1488-1988. In 1980-1988 he was the President of the International Historians of Paper and Chairman of the board of directors and Honorary Chairman of British Association of the Historians of Paper writing a lot of articles for «The Quarterly», the association review.  On June 2014, the Manchester University awarded him its 'Medal of Honour' (the highest award it can bestow) in recognition of his work in founding the Museum of Science and Industry now MOSI and of his many publications on the history of technology.


Elio LODOLINI (1922 - 2023)

Graduated in Political Science, Law, Archival Studies, and Palaeography and Diplomatic. A former professor of Archives at the University of Macerata, he was also a Professor Emeritus of Archives at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", where he was a professor of the same subject, and for three consecutive three-year terms, until retirement, he was Dean of the School - School for Archivists and Librarians and member of the academic Senate. Previously,he was, among other things, regent of the Archival Superintendency for Lazio, Umbria and Marche Region in Rome, Director of the State Archive of Ascoli Piceno, Director of the State Archive of Ancona, Superintendent for the archival institution for the Marche Region, Director of the Division of Service and the Directorate General of Archives, Secretary of the High Council of Archives and Director of the State Archives of Rome. He was an archivist for  the Italian Administration Archivist Italian for the University, for UNESCO, for the International Council on Archives, the Organisation of American States, Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa, he was especially known for the development of archives and archival in the Third World. He is the author of twenty books and over three hundred articles in scientific journals and conference reports and a thousand minor writings, largely archival and also history and law .



Local history expert and member of the Magistero Accademico dell'Accademico "Fulginia" di Foligno. Member of the Associazione Numeister Orfini di Foligno. Ordinary member of the Archeoclub di Foligno. Ordinary member of the Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Archeologico Industriale (AIPAI). Ordinary member and member of the Board of Probiviri del Centro di Ricerche Federico Frezzi for the study of human civilisation in Foligno.



Mr Mattozzi has been in retirement from the Bologna University since January 2012, but is in charge of the Professorship for the master in “La comunicazione storica”. He has been professor of History and Social Studies; History and Teaching at the Faculty of Learning Sciences at the ‘Libera Università’ of Bolzano. Mr Mattozzi’s research activities involved aspects and problems of social and economic history. He has also published essays about paper mills in the Venetian territory, public sustenance in Venice, technology of olive growing in Istria and machines for paper production, industrial archaeology in Venice and Pordenone, investments by Venetians in the manufacturing sector during the 1600’s. Mr Mattozzi revives these themes from time to time when invited to participate in conventions. His most recent paper is ‘Alle soglie di una ricerca: il cilindro olandese fra cartiere pontificie, “venete”, piemontesi e lombarde (secondo ‘700-primo ‘800)’ , included in the book by R.P. Corritore and L. Piccinno ‘Cinque secoli di carta’. Other papers include ‘Produzione e consumi della carta nella “Regio Insubrica” e in Lombardia dal Medioevo all’età contemporanea’, Insubria University Press, 2005.


Gabriele METELLI

Degree in economics and commerce, diploma in palaeography, diplomat, archivist and professor of science. He is the author of several essays on economic history and social, artistic and religious concerns of the Umbrian Valley. He has participated in numerous national and international conferences, including those of Fabriano:  Carta e Cartiere nelle Marche e nell'Umbria dalle Manifatture all'industrializzazione (July 22, 1991). Produzione e uso dell Carte Filigranate in Europa (XIII-XX centuries) (1-2 October 1993). L'impiego dell Tecniche e dell'opera die Cartai Fabrianese in Italia e Europa (16-17 June 2006); Prato: Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica "F. Datini" Alimentazione e Nutrizione secc. XIII-XVIII (22-27 April 1996); Senigallia: International Workshop, Anthropology and Epistemology of Medicine, Venus, Venum, Venenum, Antropologia e Storia del Farmaco (29-30 November, December 1, 2002). He joined S.I.S.E. (Societa' Italiana degli Storico dell'Economis), and is an ordinary member of the Accademia Fulginia, a corresponding member of the Accademia Spoletina e dell'Accademia di Montefalco and associated member of Deputazione di Storia Patria per Umbria. He also graduated in clarinet at the Conservatory of Perugia and has to his credit numerous concerts and recorded several discs.


Paola Franca MUNAFO'

A librarian and researcher in the fields of the history of books and libraries, production materials of ancient books and their conservation.  She holds courses, seminars and conferences on these subjects in Italian Universities and institutions, as well as in Egypt, France, Germany, Great Britain, Poland and Spain. She has published monograph works, essays and articles; in particular, she is the co-author of the ‘Paper in the western late Middle Ages’ , a study carried out by a French-Italian team (ICPL - CNRS) on the papers used in the manuscripts and printed volumes produced in the fifteenth century. She was the Director of the Advanced Vocational Training School and the Museum of the Central Institute for the restoration and preservation of  the archive and library heritage  (MiBACT), and a professor of "History and theory of book restoration" at the University of Rome " Tor Vergata ". She was also the scientific responsible for the CNR’s ( NRC - National Research Centre) program  on the deterioration of ancient paper and cooperates with the International Association of Paper Historians.



Mr Ezio Ornato graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Arts from the University of Turin in 1960, then moved to France and two years later joined the Centre national de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), ending his career in 2001 as Director of Research at CNRS. He headed numerous équipes de recherche at CNRS among those: Culture écrite du Moyen Age tardifrecherche émérite and still collaborates frequently with the French LAMOP (Laboratoire de médiévistique occidentale de Paris,  [CNRS-Université Paris I]), also the history of medieval books, manuscripts and printed, in the history of medieval paper in the west. He also wrote and co-authored many works and about eighty articles, some of which were bound in a volume of essays in 1997.



After attending school he joined the Facolta' di Economica e Commercio dell'Universita' di Perugia, and then at the Facolta' di Scienze Politiche dell'Universita' di Macerata, where he graduated with his degree in history of public administration with Prof. Dante Cecchi. Since 1969 he has devoted himself to the study of the history of Le Marche and in particular of his hometown, at first writing articles for the local newspaper "L'Appennino Camerte" then gradually more important journals, until finally writing for the most prestigious magazines in history and art. Therefore, for more than forty years he has researched with meticulousness and competence and illustrates important facts, famous personalities and art masterpieces of our land. If the centuries-old history of San Severino had been studied more, there would have been some interesting essays on economic history, art and folklore in the province of Macerata, and more generally of the Le Marche region. The number of his scientific studies now exceeds 190 and the complete list can be found at the following address:


Anna-Grethe RISCHEL

Paper conservator emeritus, associated to the National Museum of Denmark, Environmental Archaeology and Materials Science. For 25 years she was employed as paper conservator and served from 1993-2002 as head of the Paper, Leather and Textiles Section and member of the Conservation Department Board. After her first education at the Technical School of Arts and Crafts she worked as a private textile designer for 10 years. As graduate at Graphic Department, the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Conservation she continued her education 1977 and gained her diploma as paper conservator 1991 with a project on identification and classification of fibre material and technology in Oriental paper through microscopic and macroscopic analysis. Within this field she has continued her studies of the technological development of the art of papermaking in Asia and Europe with various projects. She is a member of the Scandinavian (NPH), the British (BAPH) and the International Association of Paper Historians (IPH) and has since 2008 served as president of IPH



Graduated in fine arts and English language at the University of Santa Clara in California. In 1982 she obtained a Master's in Fine Art and Certificate of Advanced Study in the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works at the State University of New York at Cooperstown. After professional positions at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, and Yale Center for British Art in Connecticut, she has been at the Library of Congress in Washington for more than 30 years acting as conservator of works of art and manuscripts on paper. She has received several scholarships from the John W Kluge Foundation, the Samuel H Kress Foundation, and the Carolyn Horton Fund of the American Institute for Conservation in order to widen the history of paper. From 1996 to 2010 she participated as a lecturer at the European School of Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Spoleto, teaching paper restoration. She is a member of the Group of International Paper Historians and the American Institute for Conservation, and is also the author of several articles on paper and its history. She notably translated the book by G Castagnari  and U Mannucci: L'arte della Carta di Fabriano, 1991.



Artist, expert in handmade paper production, teacher, and consultant in the creation of workshops for handmade paper production, both for educational purposes and for the social reintegration of people with permanent or temporary disabilities. He organizes and participates in Exhibitions and Events. Born and residing in Fabriano. He worked at Cartiere Miliani Fabriano from 1985 to 1999 in various roles, particularly gaining extensive experience in handmade paper production. He resigned from Cartiere Miliani to start his own business as a craftsman, creating a workshop for handmade paper production. His artistic research leads him to develop innovative methods of expression. The techniques of handmade paper production transform into new languages. Experimentation leads him to create works that originate directly from the raw material: cotton pulp.


Peter Friedrich TSCHUDIN

A long time director of the Swiss Paper Museum in Basel, member and delegate of the Switzerland International Conferences on the History of Technology. President,1988-1998, of the International Association of Paper Historians (IPH), associate professor at the faculty of engineering of the Technical University of Darmstadt and member of the Institute of Papermaking of the University, he is also the author of several books, scientific publications and communications of international conventions.

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