Fellow Members
Chiara MEDIOLI FEDRIGONI (The President)
President of the Fedrigoni Fabriano Foundation (since May 2018). She joined the Fedrigoni Group in 2002 after working in electronic publishing and digital printing for Bertelsmann AG (Booktailor, the basis of an international patent she developed), and in corporate organization for Vodafone. Over the past 20 years, she has been responsible for the Fabriano Boutique retail branch, served as Marketing and Product Development Director (Paper), and held the position of Group Sustainability and Communication Director. She has held board positions for Fedrigoni, Fabric (BC), Fine Foods, and the Bodoni Foundation. She is the author of the books "Botteghe Oscure" (Hestia, 1998), "Roma" (Touring Club Editore, 2006), and curator of "Cotone, Conigli e Invisibili segni d'acqua". She graduated in Economics and Commerce from Ca’ Foscari (Venice) and holds an MBA from INSEAD (Fontainebleau).
Giancarlo CASTAGNARI (Vice President)
Mr Castagnari is the Vice President of the Fondazione Fedrigoni Fabriano. Mr Castagnari has held the position of Director of the ‘Museo della Carta e della Filigrana, Fabriano’ (Paper and Watermark Museum, Fabriano). As University Professor he also lectured in the History of Paper faculty from 1990 – 2003 at Camerino University. Mr Castagnari is also author of papers and books dealing with the history of paper. He is a member of the Scientific Board for the magazine “Proposte e ricerche, Economia e società nella storia dell’Italia centrale”. Mr Castagnari is a Representative member of the "Deputazione di Storia patria per le Marche" and correspondent for the Marche Academy of Fine Arts “Paul Harris”, also Fellow of the Rotary Foundation awarded by Rotary International. He is in addition the Chief Editor for the Fabriano “Pia Università dei Cartai” series of books dealing with history of Paper.
Luigi Carlo BENNATI
Mr Bennati has covered the role of Central Manager and Director of Personnel at the Cartiere Miliani paper mill in Fabriano; Board Member of the Cartiere Magnani in Pescia pertaining to the Gruppo IPZS; Substitute Statutory Auditor for Società SICMA company in Terni. Mayor of Cerreto d’Esi from 1975 to 1980 and Councillor in the Comunità Montana in the same period. Mr Bennati is currently a Board Member of the Fondazione della Cassa di Risparmio di Fabriano e Cupramontana, and also the Chamberlain of the Pia Università dei Cartai.
Following her Bachelor of Science for Cultural Heritage - Analysis and Preservation of the Historical and Artistic Heritages, Faculty of Humanities from the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, she moved to Milan, where she specialised in Creative Communication for Cultural Heritage at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera. Since 2011 she has been coordinator of the Fondazione Fedrigoni Fabriano, as well as a Board member appointed by the Board of Directors from 2013: she is responsible for coordinating the research activities of the FFF and for preserving and enhancing the historical paper heritage preserved by the FFF. In 2016 she contributed to the negotiations for the purchase, by the FFF, of the Collection of historical paper samples of Fabriano from 1267 to 1798 by Augusto Zonghi filigranologist and from 2017 she is the coordinator and scientific director of the Corpus Chartarum Fabriano project (CCF), of which the collection is part. Author of some articles and essays on the history of paper and paper technology, she edited the 1st printed edition of the Album of “The signs of the ancient Fabriano.