The project
In 2022, the Fedrigoni Fabriano Foundation joined the Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (SBN), thereby ensuring the inclusion of over 3,000 volumes from the Library annexed to the Miliani Fabriano Paper Mills Archive, now available online in:
The library, which particularly includes texts and periodicals on the history of Fabriano and the history of paper and watermark manufacturing, is now available online through OPAC, an acronym for Online Public Access Catalogue. This electronic catalogue of multiple libraries can be freely accessed via the web, gathering bibliographic information on documentary resources (books, magazines, etc.) held, indicating their location or online access, and Biblio Marche Nord, the unified catalogue of the provinces of Ancona and Pesaro-Urbino.
* The digital transaction activity was carried out thanks to the contribution granted by the Marche Region within the framework of L.R. no. 4/2010 – DGR no. 495/2022 – Regional Library System. Call for support for regionally significant projects for the promotion of reading and the enhancement of libraries in the Marche region.