CDA Nominated Members
Terenzio BALDONI
Retired teacher from the F. Stelluti Classical High School in Fabriano, graduated with a thesis on "Paper Industry and Workers' Movement in Fabriano from Unification to the Giolittian Era." From 1985 to 1992, he worked at the "Museum of Paper and Watermarks" as president of CoSeTur and secretary of the "Historical Scientific Technical Committee." He is the author of various essays, one on the paper mills of Fabriano during the Fascist period and others on the city's history, including: "Artisans in Fabriano in the 1900s" and "The Resistance in the Fabriano Area." Since 1995, he has been registered as a publicist with the Order of Journalists of the Marche. He was a City Councilor from 1995 to 1997. He is a member of the Institute of Marche History and the Gramsci Institute of Marche. He is a corresponding member of the Deputation of Homeland History for the Marche. He has collaborated with the Institute for the History of Contemporary Umbria. Since 2015, he has been president of LabStoria, with which he published an essay on the Great War in Fabriano and promoted, in 2021, three days of studies on Prof. Romualdo Sassi and the value of local history.
Historian, Curator – Restorer of paper. Co-ordinator of the following projects: “Corpus di Filigrane dei Documenti Antichi degli Archivi e delle Biblioteche Argentine” (Watermarks from ancient documents in the Argentine archives and libraries Corpus), “Digitalizzazione del Corpus di Filigrane del Cahip (Conservación, Análisis e Historia del Papel)”. Mr Abrate has published a variety of books relating to the history of paper and watermarks at the University and Municipalities in the province of Malaga (Spain), as well as numerous articles in specialized magazines, national and international convention proceedings. He has been a member of the AHHP, ‘Asociación Hispánica de Historiadores de Papel’ (Spanish Association of Paper Historians) since 2005.
She is part of the team of the Editorial staff and member of the scientific board for the magazine of Economic History ‘Proposte e ricerche’; she is also a member of the management for the ‘Centro Studi Storici Maceratesi’ (Centre for Historical studies in Macerata) and ‘Deputazione di Storia patria’ (Deputation for National History) for the Marche. Having been Temporary Research Associate and University Professor in ‘Storia Economica, Storia delle Marche nel Medioevo e Storia delle Istituzioni e cultura materiale del Medioevo’ (Economic History, History of the Marche in the Middle Ages and History of the Institutions and Culture in the Middle Ages), at the Camerino University, she currently heads research projects concerning aspects of economic history in the pre-industrial era. She has published diverse books dealing with the theme of production and commerce of paper from the Marche region, making use of circumstantial research carried out in the ‘Archivio Datini’ in Prato, the ‘Archivio di Stato’ in Venice and the ‘Archivio di Stato’ in Rome (state archives). The book titles include ‘Uomini risorse imprese nell’economia camerte fra XIII e XVI secolo’ (2007), ‘Fra l’Adriatico e l’Europa. Uomini e merci nella Marca del XIV secolo’ (2009), ‘Le Marche e Roma nel Quattrocento. Produzioni, mercanti, reti commerciali’ (2011). Mrs Di Stefano has also written many articles on the same theme, which have been published in diverse magazines and books.
His work is guided by interests in the contemporary fluctuating world – both social and environmental. The goal is to convey a perception of contemporary life, identifying visualizations that represent a collective memory. For him, making art is a crucial relationship between thought and constant artisanal practice. Over the past twenty years, the disciplines of printmaking have become his preferred tool of investigation. His works – prints, installations, artist's books – are exhibited internationally. Since the mid-1990s, he has combined work in visual art with performing arts, music, and cinema. These parallel paths deeply influence his approach to making and presenting his works. At the same time, the desire to engage in radical experiences, socially distant from his daily life, has led him to conceive and realize personal and collective projects that have resulted in exhibitions and editorial productions such as: Mediterraneo (2003), Palagio degli Incanti (2007), Passing Through, London (2010-2011), Fish-eye (2012-2013), and Ferrocarril (2013-2014). Since 2015, he has been working on the LINA project. He is co-founder of the VACA group, which for over twenty years has been a reference point for artists, filmmakers, and writers, and in 2009 he founded the low environmental impact printmaking center Opificio della Rosa, which, in its two studios, hosts and supports international artists in creating experimental projects. Since 2016, he has been the president of the Renate Herold Czaschka Foundation dedicated to printmaking and artist's books. His artistic practice is complemented by university teaching in graphic design and printmaking. He is currently a Lecturer in graphic communication design at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London. He lives and works in Italy and London.
Historian of architecture and art, he has been a fellow at: Villa I Tatti – The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies in Florence, CASVA – Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at The National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, The Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America at Columbia University in New York, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz–Max-Planck Institut. He is currently an associate professor at the University of "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti-Pescara. He has published on the processes of sanctification of places, the interweaving of local identity and architecture, the urban transformations of modern Italy, the tools of design, and in particular the forms of communication and representation of architecture. He has also extensively written on the drawings, models, and architectures of Michelangelo Buonarroti and has carefully studied the artist's paper corpus with a view to a broader reconsideration of the role of paper in Renaissance art workshops.
Graduated in Fine Arts and Italian from Santa Clara University in California. In 1982, she obtained a Master's in Fine Art and a Certificate of Advanced Study in the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works from the State University of New York at Cooperstown. After professional positions at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and the Yale Center for British Art in Connecticut, she spent three decades at the Library of Congress in Washington as a conservator of works of art and manuscripts on paper. She received several scholarships from the John W. Kluge Foundation, the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, to pursue studies in paper history. From 1996 to 2010, she participated as a lecturer in paper conservation at the European School of the Conservation of Library Materials in Spoleto. She is a member of the International Association of Paper Historians and the American Institute for Conservation and has written widely on paper conservation and history. In 2016, her book Fabriano, City of Medieval and Renaissance Papermaking, was published by Oak Knoll Press and the Library of Congress. Recent research focuses on the relationship between the Cartiere Miliani Fabriano papers and American artists and printers in the 20th century to the present. She currently works as paper conservator for The Phillips Collection in Washington, DC.
Mr Sabbatini is currently a University Professor of Modern History in the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy in Arezzo at the University of Siena. Among his most recent books are: ‘L’innovazione prudente’ (Florence 1996); ‘Giovanni Attilio Arnolfini ed il Trattato Del Ristabilimento dell’Arte della Seta’ (Lucca 2001); ‘Per la storia di Lucca in età moderna’ (Lucca 2005); ‘L’occhio dell’ambasciatore’ (Milan 2006) and the book series ‘Repubblicanesimo e repubbliche nell’Europa di antico regime’ (Milan 2007); ‘Sulla diplomazia in età moderna. Politica, economia, religione’ (Milan 2011). Mr Sabbatini has also dedicated over thirty papers and books on the theme of the production of paper among which: ‘Tra passato e futuro: l’industria cartaria lucchese’ (Lucca 1990); ‘Di bianco lin candida prole. La manifattura della carta in età moderna e il caso toscano’ (Milan 1990); ‘Nacque formata da maestra mano. La carta a Lucca e Pescia, una storia antica e viva’ (Lucca, 2012).
She is a conservator of cultural heritage, specializing in the field of books, archives, and works of art on paper. After graduating in Archaeology and Medieval Topography from the University of Rome La Sapienza, she obtained a diploma in Librarianship from the School of Librarianship of the Vatican Apostolic Library. She continued her training in the conservation and restoration of book materials at the Foundation for the Conservation and Restoration of Book Heritage in Spoleto and at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. She has collaborated and continues to collaborate with public and private institutions, archives, libraries, and museums, including the National Central Library of Rome, where she was part of the team of restorers for the census of the conservation status of ancient printed volumes and their safeguarding within the Google Books Project, the State Archives of Spoleto, the Giorgio and Isa De Chirico Foundation, the Historical Archive of the University of Florence, the Historical Archive of the Monastery of Fonte Avellana, Palazzo dei Priori – Civic Art Gallery of Fermo, and the G. Carandente Modern Art Gallery of Spoleto. Since 2015, she has been teaching restoration workshops for the Single-Cycle Degree Course in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. In 2021, she carried out the restoration of Augusto Zonghi's Album "The Signs of the Ancient Paper Mills of Fabriano" and secured the papers of the Zonghi collection. Also since 2021, she has been a member of the Scientific Council of the FFF and is responsible for the restoration and conservation laboratory.