
Compasso d'Oro ADI - Honorable Mention for the Foundation

Honorable Mention at the XXVIII Compasso d'Oro of the Italian Design Association ADI for the Fedrigoni Fabriano Foundation thanks to the publishing project “I segni delle Cartiere Fabrianesi di Augusto Zonghi”, published in 2021 and curated in its editorial design by Simone Scimmi Design Studio.

An important recognition that secures the precious album on the ancient Fabrian cartai marks a place in the Historical Collection of the ADI Compass d'Oro Prize permanent exhibition declared by the Ministry of Cultural Goods "of exceptional artistic and historical interest" and therefore national heritage.

The Foundation picked up the plaque and certificate of the Honorary Mention in Milan yesterday on the occasion of the ceremony dedicated to the ADI Design Museum. The volume had already been selected in 2022 by the ADI Permanent Observatory of Design, comprised of a panel of experts, designers, critics, historians, specialized journalists, for publication in the ADI Design Index 2022, which collects the products shortlisted for the ADI Compasso d'Oro Award.

Thus the Foundation with the ancient Fabrian paper-makers brands officially enters the over sixty years of history of the Compasso d'Oro award, the oldest but above all the most authoritative world design award, founded in 1954 by an idea from the famous architect and designer Gio Ponti.